Neon Signs - Like Social Media for your Front Window
by Jantec Neon • October 13, 2017
Virtually everybody in business knows about social media. Social Media has become a huge factor in engaging potential customers and bringing in business. In some ways the information superhighway and the highway in front of your business are really not that different. Both are clogged with people. Some meandering aimlessly in search of a way to pass time. Others know their destination and are taking the quickest route. Your job is to catch their attention and make them stop to see you!
We can take some of the lessons learned from social media and apply them to our storefront!
1. You need to get noticed!
There is lots to see and it's easy to get lost in the crowd. Your storefront needs to stand out and get noticed. Fading into the background isn't an option if you want to grow your business. Brightly colored neon signage stands out as the most noticeable and readable solution for businesses trying to stand out from the crowd.
Be sure to choose a sign that is large enough to be read from far away. No sign will work if it's too tiny to read.
2. You need to give the customer a sense of your personality.
Being bright and visible isn't enough- you have to be attracting the right kind of customer for your business. You have only one brief moment to attract passers by to your store. Are you attracting those who are most likely become a customer. Every business has its own personality. What is yours?? Does your signage match that personality?

3. Choose Graphic and Animated Signs
Studies show that people are 97% more apt to click on a posting that contains graphics. Your location should reflect this trend. Often images register in the minds of individuals much faster than words can. Adding graphics to your signage can greatly increase your walk in traffic.

Video is a huge trend in social media too! Animated neon signs such as this pizza man or cutting scissors really catch the eye of those who pass by. Any time you can make someone stop to take a second look you increase your chances of sales.
4. Choose Quality
Every social media marketer will tell you to use crisp clear graphics and make your posts look professional. The same is true for your signage. Signs that are broken or half lit send a strong signal to customers. While your mother may have told you not to, people really do "judge a book by it's cover". While you may want to give the impression that your business is inexpensive you never want to give the impression that is "cheap".
A storefront that incorporates these simple steps will stand out in the eyes of those who pass by, get folks talking, and go viral!