At Jantec Neon, we offer a few different backing choices for your neon sign.  Each option can have an effect on the overall visibility & appearance of the sign when hanging in your window.  Below you will find images and a description of each of these options. 

Matte Black Backing
  Our Matte Black Backing is the Standard Option on all of our Neon Signs.  This option provides Maximum visibility of your sign by creating the highest amount of contrast between the light of your neon tubes and the backing material.  This option also hides the necessary wiring required for the transformer connections.
Smoked Lexan Backing
  Our Smoked Lexan Backing appears as a tinted window and provides good visibility of your sign from the outside while also allowing you to be able to see "through" your sign to the outside of your window.  This option is good if you sometimes need to see outside of the window where your sign will hang and it also allows for a small amount of sunlight to enter your window.
Clear Lexan Backing
  Our Clear Lexan Backing option is a great option if you MUST be able to see out of the window where you sign will hang.  This option will also allow for the most sunlight to still enter your window.  Please note that this option does reduce the visibility of your neon tubing from the outside and all wiring and electrical connections will be visible from the inside of your business.  
Contoured Matte Black Backing
  Our Contoured Matte Black Backing option is a Great Way to accent any sign which will be wall mounted.  This type of backing is custom shaped around the neon sign tube design and creates a beautiful effect once the sign is hanging.  This option is not available on all signs; however, if you find a sign that does not have this option, please call us and we may be able to help add the option to your sign for you.
U.L. Listed Outdoor Case
  Our U.L. Listed Outdoor Case option is a Great Way to advertise without using window space.  This type of durable sign will hold up well even after extended periods under the sun.  This option will be completely U.L. listed and come in a metal case with a primed exterior, black interior, and a clear Lexan cover.